Sunday, November 23, 2008

I'M DONE!!!!

I explored several Social Networking Sites, and use Facebook as a way of sharing pictures with my children.

Playing with Wiki's

I didn't go as far as creating a Wiki, but I did play with them. I use Wikipedia often for assignments at school and work, and find it to be a good starting place.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Exercise 6: Podcasts and Downloadable Audio Books

This exercise was more of a challenge...I joined the waiting list for "13th Juror", which is the fourth in the Dismas Hardy Series by John Lescroart. I downloaded part 1 of "1812, The American Story Series", book 4; this book contains 12 parts. When I was done with the exercise I wanted to discharge the book so another patron could have access, and discovered "Help-Policies and Procedures-Borrowing Help" explains there is no early return for an item (under "Can I return my items early?). Bummer! I hope no one is breathlessly waiting for it! And Exercise 7 is...?

Exercise 5 - RSS Feeds

I'm now registered to get updates from three Web sites. Since it's only been a day since I signed up, I'm waiting to see how the rest of the process works - Thanks, Marieta and Mary O., for your help!

Friday, August 1, 2008

Exercise 4

I've explored Rollyo. I've been listening to Norah Jones and friends on Pandora as I've worked along on this exercise. I've checked out Webjunction. I've looked through the web sites suggested under Readers Advisory on the Web, and finally, played with Image Generators. Bring on Exercise 5!

Exercise 3

I'm moving right along...tags are a wonderful way of checking out the popularity of terms in a record as well determining terms that are deemed pertinent. The tags provide easy access to related information. On to Exercise 4...

Exercise 2

I finally got back to working on these exercises; Thanks Rochelle for helping me figure out what I need to do! I have a Flickr account, and used a mashup search to locate an awesome picture of wildflowers, which I now have on my blog! On to exercise 3...

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Exercise 1

I'm official! My first official blog has been created!